August Monthly Guide 1 | Relaxed & Pain-free

August Monthly Guide 1 | Relaxed & Pain-free

Having scoliosis and spinal fusions can leave us feeling achey and frustrated. Movement is an amazing way to connect with your body, helping reduce pain through physical movement, and through disconnecting the emotion attached with the pain.

For our first August Guide, We've selected x2 weekly sessions, all under 30 minutes to get you moving gently without aggravating your back. We can't wait to see how movement impacts your day-to-day pain levels.

We've selected 2-3 sessions per week to keep you busy. Work your way through these at your own pace and let us know how you get on!

August Monthly Guide 1 | Relaxed & Pain-free
  • Wake up Happy | 10 mins

    Wake up Happy and ready for a bright day by getting moving

    Length: 10 mins
    Equipment: None
    Focus: Full body
    Level: Beginner

    – Please check with your health practitioner that you're fine to join in with these exercises. It's important to listen to your body as you are solely responsib...

  • Long car ride cool down | 20 mins

    Long car ride? Release tense shoulders and get your butt working.

    Length: 20 mins
    Equipment: Headblock
    Focus: Shoulders, upper back & glutes/hips
    Level: Beginner

    – Please check with your health practitioner that you're fine to join in with these exercises. It's important to listen to...

  • Wake Up De-Stressed | 15 mins

    Wake up de-stressed after a difficult night and stretch it out for the day

    Length: 10 mins
    Equipment: None
    Focus: Full body
    Level: Beginner

    – Please check with your health practitioner that you're fine to join in with these exercises. It's important to listen to your body as you are ...

  • Lower back release | 10 mins

    When working long hours sat down with no break, it's no surprise we experience pain in our lower backs. Here are our favourite stretches to get you moving and redue stiffness.

    Length: 10 mins
    Equipment: Headblock
    Focus: Lower back
    Level: All-levels

    – Please check with your health pra...

  • Wake Up Calm | 15 mins

    Wake up calm and slow the day down to reduce stress with this 10 minute wiggle

    Length: 10 mins
    Equipment: None
    Focus: Full body
    Level: Beginner

    – Please check with your health practitioner that you're fine to join in with these exercises. It's important to listen to your body as you ...

  • Relaxation for pain management | 20 mins

    It can be hard to separate physical pain with the frutsration and stress it causes. If you're feeling sore, take some time to tune in with your body and de-stress.

    Length: 10 mins
    Equipment: Headblock
    Focus: Full body
    Level: All-levels

    – Please check with your health practitioner tha...

  • Wake Up Stretched | 10 mins

    Wake up stretched with key movements for stiff backs, shoulders and hips

    Length: 10 mins
    Equipment: None
    Focus: Full body
    Level: Beginner

    – Please check with your health practitioner that you're fine to join in with these exercises. It's important to listen to your body as you are so...

  • Relaxing flow | 30 mins

    Take 30 minutes to de-stress and stretch with this full body relaxing flow.

    Length: 30 mins
    Equipment: Headblock
    Focus: Full body
    Level: All-levels

    – Please check with your health practitioner that you're fine to join in with these exercises. It's important to listen to your body as...